

Something Nice Designs is a family run business based out of the Midwest.  We have always been an art and design family and we never stop creating.  We offer a variety of products and services. We do freelance illustration and product design. We also produce and sell products for the home, we are available for consignment and licensing.  And with our big family we have always loved helping out with weddings! We can help you with your wedding in budget friendly ways. Want to keep up with what we’re doing? Follow our blog, twitter, facebook page, flickr page, and our Pinterest boards!

Any Questions? Get our info on our contact page. We can’t wait to hear from you!

- The Something Nice Family

illustration, design, and weddings

Robin has earned her BFA in Illustration & Design at Minneapolis College of Art & Design.  She loves products, patterns, weddings, and the color pink!

illustration & comic art

Nick is currently a student at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. He is a comic artist and illustrator who loves to work in ink. He has a huge passion for movies and conversation.

product production & sales

This duo has been teaching and loving art their whole lives and has passed this on to their kids.  Now, they have taken their passion to pursue the business side of art.

animation, illustration, & web design

Craig lives in Athens, G.A. and is owner of award winning an animation company with Lauren Gregg, Kangaroo Alliance. Check out their website!

© Something Nice Designs LLC. All Rights Reserved